Publishing Rock and Roll with Ember.js 3 Encore

31 August 2018

In March this year, I announced I'd write an advanced-level extension to the Rock and Roll with Ember.js 3 book called Encore that would comprise 5 chapters. It could already be (pre-)bought from that date on and (although with some delay, I'll admit) I've started releasing early access versions of the book.

The five chapters are:

(The latest, early access version is already 156-page long, so don't expect a mini-book.)

Launch plan

Since 4 of the 5 chapters are mostly done (pending editing and smaller tweaks), I can now confidently announce the launch date of the Encore book, which is October 1st, 2018 The date will mark the 3rd anniversary of releasing Rock and Roll with Ember.js 2, a significant milestone of the book.

As usual, there's going to be a discount during the launch period, lasting a few days. For people to get a similar deal, I'm lowering the price of the Jimi Hendrix package to $64 until launch. The launch price will be the same or a few dollars less and the price will be restored to $79 after the launch period is over. I offer a similar discount for the Team license.

If you want to stay in the loop about the launch, please sign up below.

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